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Great game idea



Cool game!


Awesome game! I loved the concept of the game, and the strategies you could implement. Visuals were nice too, and the subtle squash and stretch on the houses when you move power is nice. Great work!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to know that you had fun!


I got 65! Really fun and simple concept. If you wanted, I think you could evolve this into a more complex project with varied level design and enemies. 

Many thanks! Yeah, I;m definitely gonna evolve it) I've already made an update with combos.


Great concept, and great polish! I got 31.

My Critiques:

I wish combo-ing a bunch of moths had some benefit or acknowledgement. It's really fun to zap like a whole bunch of them in one go, but most of the time I feel like just meeting them one by one at the edge of the screen is easier.

I think the flashing screen effect should be toned down a bit.


Thanks for the useful feedback! Sure, I'll add combos after the jam, I didn't even think about it.