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i just found my new most antisipated Visual novel / Dating sim any hints to when this is gonna come out fully and what the price will be if it has one 


I'm aiming for a $15-$20 price range for the full game depending on how long it feels and I'd like to release it within 1.5 to 2 years from now based on the pace I'm going at now.


Saw this in my recommended feed and was intrigued by the name. After playing the demo, I can say this definitely has my interest. I'm certainly curious to see where this goes, especially the dynamic between Aria and Sera.

Side note, I get some real Konata Izumi vibes from Clover, and I can dig that.

You predicted right with the Konata influences for Clover, though she has her own unique personality quirks as well.  The Sera / Aria will get some love in each of their routes, so look forward to the future!


Hello, I have a question! Will the gender of the main character be selectable?


Sorry, no!  Even though the MC is fairly "self-inserty" at first, he does develop as a character later and from a Catholic perspective it's important that he remains male to fit this role.


Unfortunate, but understandable. Thanks for the quick response!


first off, the character art is exceptional. i really wasn't sure what to expect, but i ended up enjoying the experience. as someone who isn't religious, i feel like the themes presented were handled fairly well. at no point did i feel alienated despite not being the target audience. i hope this game gets enough support to keep the devs motivated. lastly, goo-girl best girl.

Glad to hear!  Trying to pay special attention to the balance between every day life and religious themes

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Christian themes in my romance vn vidya? Neat. A weird combo to throw in monster girls into the mix, but that just gets me more excited. Hope this demo is able to see a full release with way more content. I find indie vns like this to be infinitely charming. I hope nothing, but the best for you and your project(s) in the coming years.


Thanks!  I'll be working towards full release of course with loads more content.  Already have Act I rough drafts done for 2 of the girls and almost done with a third all while the artists keep up with my schedule!

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Simply amazing game, love and can't wait for future updates and hopefully (fingers crossed) release. Story very good, art amazing and basically all aspects of it just perfect. Sera, best character I have seen for ages.


Thanks for the kind words!  Absolutely gunning for full release, even if it will be after some time!

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might be a little

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Its really good, in both meanings of the word.


certified wholesome and epic


Yo man I remember seeing the art for these girls forever ago and always wondered to myself what became of the project. Awesome to run into it again and see that things are going well! 

I look forward to following this as it develops now that I know where to check in. 


Glad to see you found it again!  It also has a Steam page if you're in the habit of following via wishlist.  If not, I'll still be updating here just as often!


The background in this game and the Catholic Church might be a little too… optimistic, especially historically, for my blood to continue much further but I can at least respect the effort involved.


Understandable!  Aria, one of the characters has certain views about the history of the Church as well.  Consider going down her route once it's out if you want to see how I resolve that issue.  Otherwise, feel free to petition me for questions or accusations against the Church and I'll do my best to answer them honestly!


I know it's a bit weird based on the name of the game but... Damiean. best girl


Damien is indeed a good monster boy!  Males are often "best girl" in some VNs.  Kyousuke from Little Busters for instance lol

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I was utterly confused by this entire game’s description at first, but a thought has made me want to try this game out for real.

As a Christian myself, I usually pass on these “monster girl” virtual novel games (Gamuzumi titles come to mind - if you own a Nintendo Switch, you know what I’m talking about), but when I saw the words “wholesome” and “Catholic”, I just had to see this for myself.

Now I am a bit intrigued. When a creature we know is a DEMON gets reformed and sent to Catholic school, the initial thought of “That CAN’T be true!” was replaced with “What if it was, though?” after considering that angels (even fallen ones) can have free will of their own, as well as people.

While I’m not a Catholic, I’m willing to give this game a try based on my first impressions.


I'm glad you're intrigued!  Just a clarification though, Eva is a succubus and not a demon in the true (or original succubus lore) sense.  Demons theologically cannot be reformed so these monster people had to come from somewhere else...  Guess you'll have to discover that in the full version when it's done :)


should really let you choose your own name instead of defaulting to Gabriel


You don't see many Catholic centered games, let alone a monster game. This looks really promising!

Please put it on Android.

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I hope kisses are wholesome enough for the game to have kissing CGs.


The art style and character designs are fantastic! I will look forward to this being complete someday!

Also, this is just a fantastic idea for a character:

"Eva the bratty but religious succubus"


super cute art style


Man, that character design is awesome!


nice work well done