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Game is FUN and I like building my own LEVELS!!!!! 

can you implement portals?

Great game. I bought it especially because of the beautiful music. I am a big fan of your music, keep up the good work!


Great game

…I will now dedicate my life to this game

me too


i love this

Love it

This Game is AMAZING!!!!1!1!

The pros: Has great music, great level making, and hard puzzles

The cons: The game gets kinda hard even if it is a puzzle game, It should have a Hint system for people that can't beat any of the 50 levels*

If I could rate It, It would be a 10/10

*I know coding is hard and that hints might be hard to program but it is a suggestion

moosic man maek game go brrrrrrrrrrrr

honest review coming when i get around to not being lazy and playing it

this is a very good game imo. it's laggy on my computer, but then again every unity game is laggy on my computer, so i can't really use that against this game. the concept is neat and the game is well polished. the music is great, and the puzzles are designed well. also the level editor and custom levels are the cherry on top. the game is great

also meg tesser lol

(1 edit)

hey chair

seems to be a very interesting gam

(2 edits)

yo where can i ind this music i felling it.

update find it - 


I can't believe I didn't find this game sooner, this is absolutely amazing! The level of polish and surprising amount of depth you got of the classic box sliding mechanics is really well done, just the ability to grab/attach ice blocks to yourself makes for some really interesting level design and problems. You did such a good job keeping the system space small while creating lots of diverse and intriguing levels within them. I'd be really interested to see a version/an additional feature where you can have two players and two goals, that may add a lot of interesting nuances to the system space (although maybe too much for a player to balance). Gameplay aside, the music and visuals are so well polished. Such small details like the triggers and boxes scaling up and down on click didn't go unnoticed and it gives the game a ton of personality and polish. Even the character while simple in design has nice feedback to it when it hits blocks or slides around. And, of course, obviously, undoubtedly, that soundtrack is sick. I found this game after getting recommended "Diamonds" on SoundCloud and the whole thing is amazing. I think your art style and even just font weirdly fits so well with your music style, though I'm not sure if that's just because I've heard lots of your past music as well. Can't wait to see what you make next!


yo ethan tysm! your stuff is stunning as well ty for also making inspiring toys


Absolutely love this! I think you mentioned in Reddit that the inspiration for this is from Pokemon? This actually reminded me of the skating puzzles in one of the Professor Layton games, which I really enjoyed and explains my sudden addiction to this lmao. I like that you added other mechanics to the gameplay, like the ice cube-chaining and different types of switches, so that there's variety in how the levels are constructed. Not gonna lie, I'm constantly wishing for a hint every time I'm stuck for so long but that's just my Layton experience talking. It's definitely much more rewarding to try and work out the solutions on your own! This is really well-made and I also love the option of using a level editor to share custom levels with other people. Kudos to everyone who worked on the soundtrack btw! While frustrating, my playthroughs are mostly groovy and chill as I keep cha-cha-sliding towards walls lol. And your tutorials! Very nice designs!!! <3


Hi! Thanks for dropping by :) The inspiration wasn't actually Pokemon but when I showed off the game concept on Twitter for the first time my entire follower-base thought of Pokemon immediately :P And yea I definitely remember Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box having some ice sliding puzzles in the late game :O


Really nice :ok_hand:



I really love this





Deleted 1 year ago


Woah! It looks like fun... I want play now!