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DevLog 1: The Door Problem

DevLog: Philip Park
A downloadable game

When I read through this list, I am somewhat relieved to see how many jobs people can have in game development teams. I feel like a big part of why game development is so stressful to me is because I kinda have to juggle every single one of these roles by myself (or with a small group that I am working with). With big teams like this, I could just focus on one specific aspect of the game and really spend all my time polishing it the best way I can. 

For me, the jobs that I'd really love to do are the ones that allow me to experiment and let my imagination run wild in a very idealistic way. Hence, the jobs that catch my eye are Creative DirectorDesigner, Writer, and Publisher. I like these jobs because they are the ones that really force me to use my creativity, and that is honestly my favorite part of being a game developer: thinking of ideas and seeing them come to life. Of course, I don't always want to just sit back and watch people do the work for me. I would also like to get more involved in the process, and out of all of the arduous jobs that are listed here, I'd have to pick Gameplay Programmer as the position I'd most likely assume. I love coding (I actually think it's pretty fun) so this stands as a job I'd also like to take on. Lastly, I feel like being a Project Manager would be very fun because I love planning things out and creating schedules. If I could, I'd probably just take on as many as these roles as possible. 

Jobs that I can't see myself taking on are jobs that involve art and sound (I am not that artistically talented). Also, although I enjoy coding, I feel like being a Core Engine Programmer would be very different and somewhat annoying compared to the other programming positions. Something that I find so interesting is the Legal. I find it a bit humorous that there needs to be one person who makes sure that everything we do is legal. It seems like an easy job, but I can assume how important this job actually is. 

Most of these jobs seem pretty fun and stress-free when you just focus on one of them! It makes me feel a bit happy to see that working on a game doesn't mean you have to do EVERYTHING in the game.