Posted August 19, 2019 by Kirais
Day 3 into the jam. I didn't do much today as I had to go to work and got a friend visiting tonight.
One of the organiser 7Soul reminded me the rule of GBJAM: all assets must be created in the duration of the jam. Suddenly I have a lot more things to work on. But the core gameplay is still the priority. I will use the tile set I found as placeholder and make my own tile set on the weekend.
I made slightly modification to the scripts of supervisor to display player HP and handle instance when the player HP is 0. The script of supervisor becomes really complicated with many nested if and loops. GBStudio is not the best tool for making a combat game. The combat interface is purely based on dialogue. It would be much better if HP can be displayed all the time. Perhaps there is someway to hack it by changing a HP bar sprites based on HP.
That's it for today. Tomorrow I should have about two hours time to work on the game. I want to complete the combat system and make all the placeholder maps closer to what it should look eventually.