Posted August 19, 2019 by 2-Bit Teeth (judacris)
What it is:
A Starco Choose Your Own Date Adventure Game with several endings, random outcomes and many, many events.
Where I am:
Structure and storyline is built. I'll throw in art soon.
What you can help with:
Picking out bugs, and spelling and grammatical errors. Or anything that feels wrong. (Not winning is not a bug)
beta ver 8 (current)
More art. Grammar and tenses cleanup.
beta ver 7
Adjustments to certain late-game paths.
beta ver 6e
Some interpassage art added.
beta ver 6b
CHEAT MODE. Unlockable with a certain ending.
beta ver 5b
Title screen Starco
beta ver 5
Title Screen
Replay button (resets things, but remembers your playing once to skip the Preface)
Star butterfly Ph.D now on Conclusion Screen
Some grammatical fixes.
Some conversation tweaked. (GB)