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And We're Live!

Ne/10 | Cold Sweat Games
A downloadable game for Windows


We're here!  with... NINE MINUTES TO SPARE.

But Kyle, who cares?

Here's the skinny. 

This is our first time using this engine.  Given the incredibly tight schedule of not even a full week to work on our entry, plus the challenges of learning all new tools, interfaces, and processes, has made for a very stressful, though I must emphasise: rewarding experience. 

We've never worked with Unreal before, ever. 
We've never made a game like this, ever. 

And personally speaking,
I've never worked with visual scripting before, ever. 
I've never worked with Blender 2.8. That was neat. 
I still work a full time job during the days this jam was running, and weekends are ostensibly family time.  This was the biggest challenge for me. 

Lot's of unknowns, challenges, and obstacles to climb over.  BUT WE DID IT.  We perservered and I CANNOT be any prouder of what we've managed to accomplish given everything. 

i plan to put up a full on post-mortem later, but for now, im gonna enjoy watching the click tick by the last 2 minutes. 

Hope to catch your vote!  

From everybody at Cold Sweat Games, thank you, and enjoy!

Download Ne/10 | Cold Sweat Games
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