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New color choosers, reworked copy/paste, reworked tools Update 0.99

Palette Wizard
A downloadable tool for Windows and macOS

This update brings a lot of changes. If you find a bug or improper behaviour please let me know.

Big THANK YOU to everyone who gave me new ideas and suggested improvements!!!


- Added HSL/HSV color wheel with square and triangle color chooser and an ability to lock it in place.

- Added HSL sliders and reworked HSV sliders. You can now choose between HSV and HSL color choosers.

- Added LAB sliders. You can now choose between RGB and LAB color choosers.

- Fixed bug preventing saving images.

- Reworked Copy/Paste option. You can copy any amount of colors. They will be also in the clipboard as HEX values so you can paste them in different program. This works also in opposite direction. You can copy one or more hex values in different software and paste them in Palette Wizard.

- Copy/Paste is also working slightly differently now. When you paste colors they will replace selected ones. When no color is selected pasting will cause creation of new colors in free spots of the working area. So now it is easier to duplicate large amount of colors without changing the order of colors in the workspace.

- Tools has been reworked. When you click <tools> a new panel will open allowing you to select desired tool. This also allowed me to expose parameters for tools in convenient way.

- Added Mac specific keyboard shortcuts

- Added color preview. Hold Space when hovering with mouse over colors to enlarge them.

Thank you for your support!!!

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