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Chapter 1 release!

Debug The System
A downloadable game

Chapter 1 is here! Chase after Divinity in an old fort that is now a haven for orcs and all manner of monsters.
New stuffs and features:
-Chapter 1 spanning 11 new fights!
-Stats now handle a lot of things like crit chance and evasion chance.
-A new clean battle UI
-Several other things but I'm too sleep deprived to remember.

There is a tentative item system in the game currently until I can get item cool downs to work, but for now you get items if you lose a fight to give you an edge in the next try.
Also you will have to start a new save if you have played the previous versions and will need to override all the old save files. The amount of new plugins will break old save files but unless something drastic happens, this should be the last time since I have several plugins in that aren't even used currently. They are there just in case I need them down the road. 


  • 368 MB
    Aug 01, 2019
Download Debug The System
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