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Quick Update on Development Progress of 0.1.5

Tales from the Road
A browser game made in HTML5

The devblog has begun.

I'm about 70% done with the Valery lunch scene so far. The bulk of the content is there, I've just gotta work on the (optional) post-lunch mini scene. This mini-scene is set at a park and will only be unlockable if you pass a certain check, but it should be easy to get it so long as you don't treat Valery like trash during lunch. There will be a true ending for that mini scene as well, which will require you to have chosen a specific dialogue choice during lunch. I'm hoping to have this scene finished in a week. It could take longer though since I'm planning to touch on some deeper stuff in the mini-scene. I'm trying to take my time with writing it so I don't end up butchering it like I feel I did in chapter 1. It's tough though, mainly because I've dealt with some of the stuff I'm writing about. And as anybody who's either talked to me about my writing or had to witness my not so great personal writings will attest, I am awful when it comes to writing about my feelings.

Holly's scene shouldn't take as long since I've gotten bits of it already written from earlier in the project, back when I originally had Holly's date scene starting shortly after chapter 2 ends. It's also going to be easier to write Holly's date since I won't be building up a brand new character. Holly's already pretty well established so I won't have to put as thought into how she would react to certain things, nor will I have to work on her background very much.

Well I think that's it for now. Just wanted to pop in real quick and give an update on what I'm doing. Probably won't be another devblog until I get close to finishing Holly's date, since there really isn't anything for me to say except "Yeah I'm XYZ percent away from finishing up this part of the update".

Questions? Leave them here or send them to me on Twitter.

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