1.2 Minor Update
1.2 is a small update with a couple fixes, some campaign changes, and a couple new techs. Now when playing the campaign if you get stuck you can go back and replay earlier levels a second time for half the normal coin reward. Along with this three new techs have been added at the top of the tech trees that you can spend all these extra coins on. See below for details and the full changelog.
- Melee defenders can now go after enemies at a bit further of a range and will follow them further as well.
- Campaign levels can be replayed once for half the original gold reward.
- Added new tech - Double Shot. Gives ranged defenders a 20% chance to shoot a second arrow.
- Added new tech - Fire Pots. Rams take retaliatory fire damage when attacking one of your blocks.
- Added new tech - Parry. Melee defenders have a 33% chance of not taking damage when attacking an enemy soldier.
- Fixed an issue letting battlements be built at height 4.
- Fixed javelins being missing from endless mode.
- Fixed a couple null reference exceptions.
Castle Constructor Demo 1.2 109 MB
Castle Constructor Demo 1.2 242 MB
Castle Constructor Full Game 1.2 109 MB
Castle Constructor Full Game 1.2 242 MB