Posted March 10, 2025 by Level1Hero
Made a game in 6 days from scratch. The only thing I recycled was my CRT shader, but considering that's 1/1000th of the game's content I don't think it matters enough mention.
Learned about 7DRL the night of March 2nd - almost two whole days after the jam started. So naturally I started working 12-15 hours a day to make the deadline lol. As I'm writing this it's 3:31 AM, EST. I'm a quivering mass of pizza remnants and caffeine vapor. But by gum, I did it. This is by far the biggest game I've completed, needless to say the most labor-intensive as well. It was exactly what I needed after spending 2-3 years paralyzed by insecurity (before putting video games on the back burner to focus on tabletop for a while). I haven't crunched this hard since back in those days, but this time I really have something to show for it.
This game is weird. I love it. It has so many little nuances (I probably spent way too much time working in) and secrets that I wonder if anyone will find them. It has three endings for gods' sake! I'm really curious to see who finds what. If anyone finds anything lol.
Would I do this all again? Absolutely. This month? Hell no lol. But I bet I could swing one week like this in every two months or so.
I really hope people buy this.
I'm so tired.
Love y'all,
- the burbling jabberwock (Nick)