Posted March 09, 2025 by nineGardens
So, after two years, we're back, with updates to multiple classes (in particular, new feats for Swordfiend and Freerunner, and better starting stats for most companion classes)
Also, I've set up a discord server, you can find it here.
More details:
Companion classes: We wanted companions to pair well with skill classes... and for that the companion needs to not only have skills of its own, but also contribute to the skills of the Player Character. More skill ranks added.
Swordfiend: Something I've been thinking about a lot in combat design is the notion of "texture" the idea that the decisions you make from one turn to the next DIFFER from one another in some meaningful way. In order to add to this, we've given the Swordfiend a "tempo" mechanic- a floating bonus that goes up as they roll successful defense roll, and resets to zero whenever they deal or receive damage. It's pretty fun!
Freerunner: The class was feeling a bit one note, so we added a bunch too it. In particular, rather than just running fast, and climbing over the city, Freerunner is now the class of having knowledge of the city, with a deep connection to the rooftops and streets, and the living breathing animal which is your city.
Strategist: Strategist wasn't working, so we are currently redeveloping it. Haven't found anything that quiet hits the mark so far, so for the time being, Strategist has been edited out of the players guide (though, can still be found in the first edition manual if wanted)
We hope you enjoy all these changes- if you have any fun new character builds, or some campaign stories from the past year, then head over to the discord server and drop them in there.