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v0.4.0 Release Patch Notes

Waifu Wonderland v0.4.0
A browser game made in HTML5

After a lot of difficulties, Waifu Wonderland v0.4.0 is here!

For a while there, this was potentially going to be the last version of the game I could program for, so I was trying to do as much as possible before the deadline, then add in the artwork later. Thankfully, I fixed the problem and development will continue. There's a lot of placeholder artwork in this release because of this though. I listed out in the patch notes which stuff has placeholders as of now, but I plan on continually updating as artwork gets finished. You can check out the Patreon if you'd like to see more plans for the future of Waifu Wonderland, like to vote in polls to help shape the game, as well as get details on the new sister game entering development, Waifu Wonderland 3D.

For those that don't know, I'm moving across the world in about 2 weeks. I will check for bug reports in that time and try to fix any major problems before I move. Once I move, it will likely be a while before I'm able to check for bug reports, but I'll still try and fix any major issues as quickly as I can!

On with the patch notes!

v0.4.0 Patch Notes -

Characters Added with Artwork -
MILF Kaori (ghost)
Young Shiori (ghost)
Gigi (Working girl, added to downtown after starting lab storyline)
Crystal (like the champagne. Working girl, added to the train station)
Candy (Working girl, added to commercial district)
Raven (ghost, character CG only)
Riley (ghost, character CG only)

Scenes Added With Artwork -
MILF Kaori
Young Shiori
Angela (temporary artwork for final scene, it will be replaced later)
Gigi (Basic, BJ, and HJ scenes)
Crystal (Basic, BJ, and HJ scenes)
Candy (Basic, BJ, and HJ scenes)

Pregnancy Added With Artwork -

Characters Added With No Artwork -
Agnes (ghost)
Maddie (ghost)
Helena (ghost)
Librarian (just an NPC, does not have a scene for now)
Cryotek Receptionist (just an NPC, using placeholder sprite, but will be updated to full character later on)

Scenes Added With No Artwork -
Rinko 2nd Outfit (uses her first scene artwork for now, missable)
Working Girls "Girlfriend Experience" x6 (uses just WIP lineart for scene)
Aoyagi 2nd Outfit (uses her first scene artwork for now)
Freya 2nd Outfit (uses her first scene artwork for now, missable) Raven Riley Agnes Maddie Helena

Pregnancy Added With No Artwork -
Rinko (uses her first scene artwork for now)
Working Girls x6 (uses GFE WIP lineart for now)

Storylines/Quests -
Final lab character, Juno, added into storyline.
Bonus secret scene added in your apartment involving lab characters.
Finished lab storyline part 1.
Finished Angela's storyline.
Added secret quest to unlock an additional outfit and scene for Freya. (missable)

Collectables Reworked -
All collectables removed and reimplemented.
Receipts no longer exist and have been converted into a "Relic" that you can just sell for extra cash.
You no longer find receipts when finding new artwork, the artwork just appears in the gallery.
All collectables renamed to Letter+Number.
Vicky set total number reduced.

New 2D collectable sets added -
Ritsuko (RI)
Android 18 (AE)
Maddie Fenton (MF)
All lines were from LMSketch, and coloring was done by me. If you'd like your artwork added to the game as a collectable in a future update, feel free to DM me (no AI).

3D Collectable sets added -
Cass Hamada (AC)
Goth Black Cat (GBC)
Blackfire (BF)
Goth Girl Summer (GGS)
Goth Maddie (GM)
Goth Mom (GMM)
Goth Cowgirl Bimbolina (GCB)
Goth Mary Jane (GMJ)
Goth Rouge (GR)
Goth Samus (GS)
Goth Scarlet (GSC)
Harley Quinn (HQ)
Ifalna (IF)
Miyako (M)
Nyl's Widowmaker (NW)
Storm (ST)
Goth Tracer Mating Press (GTB)
Goth Tracer Set 02 (GT)
Yoruichi (Y)
Renders all made by me, model credits in-game and attached in a txt file.

Area Reworks -
Expanded the gallery area to hold all of the new collectables and rearranged sections to separate 2D and 3D.
Made the beach area much bigger and got rid of the palm trees to make it more like a public beach and to make room for random beach babes.

New Areas -
Angela's Apartment
Rinko's Apartment
The Mall (same building the department store was in, but now there's a small hub area)
Women's Section of the Department Store (secret area you have to unlock)
University Storage Area
Train Station
The Club (access through the train station)
Added Library area to the University. It's next to the Dean's office.
Cryotek building downtown. Area is still a WIP, but you can now go into the lobby and first floor offices once you get the data entry job.

Other -
Fixed bug where Alicia would never return to the beach after being impregnated.
Fixed bug where you could interact with blank spot Alicia was in after impregnation.
Fixed various formatting issues.
Reworded some lines of dialogue for clarity.
Fixed Ayako's pregnant scene not displaying correctly.
Seika and Ayako's room names now display correctly.
Aoyagi's name now displays correctly in seduction mode.
Increased level cap to 25.
Replaced Game Over jingle.
Replaced Defeat jingle.
Beach bus stop fixed and can now be used.
Shuffled locations of some Random women.
Moved some Random women from some areas into newly added areas to declutter old areas and make room for new characters, as well as fill new areas.
Fixed inconsistent tiling issue on Apartment Building 2.
Angela's scenes are now repeatable after finishing her storyline.
Mirai's scene is now repeatable after talking to her in the neighborhood.
Credits sequence added for when you finish the lab storyline.
Convenience store job now gives 1 work exp for each shift.
Data entry office job added at Cryotek.
Home data entry job now gives 1 work exp instead of 15.
Freelance job removed.
Work exp no longer tracked as an item, only as a variable. You have to check your work computer or home computer to see how much work exp you have.
Work exp item converted to a Work Relic. You can sell them for some extra money.
Replaced title screen.
Made opening "dream" artwork same as the title screen.
Changed collectable quest start to be less missable.

Download Waifu Wonderland v0.4.0
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