Posted March 02, 2025 by tirelesslurker
Alpha 22. Characters now use items again; added invites, the loneliness need and pay for the realm side overhaul; added a few bridging activities to the Realm of Heroes (gets things up to the hero plot branches); various minor changes and fixes.
+ Relationship changes due to activities finishing and due to ordinary realm actions now have an option to hide them (defaults to hiding)
+ Changes to some status icons and fixed up some issues (e.g. exhaustion icon wouldn't generally show)
+ Added tooltips to status icons when viewing characters
+ Added a show dialog outcomes option. When off, the result details (e.g. "+1 Trust" are hidden). It defaults to show. Existing activities won't auto update to implement this, but new instances should be affected
+ Cleaned up some of the new personal action stuff, might improve choice selection by characters a little
+ Characters will now use items for personal actions again
+ Items can be set to be allowed for use by residents, servants and captives
+ Added a loneliness need, which characters handle by socialising
+ Added names to roles on various activities etc. Old roles are simply called 'Role'
+ Updated the extra characters for February
+ Participants in some end of turn actions should no longer sometimes be chosen from characters who are exhausted or otherwise unable to participate
+ Added inviting phase to multiple character events - works roughly as:
-> If any forceful actions are being carried out (e.g. item use on a target, possibly others later) the first to be added is participated in
-> If any ordered actions (e.g. residents telling servants or captives to do something) are listed, the first order of the highest ranking character (e.g. owner before residents) will be participated in
-> If any invites have been received, the appeal of them is weighed up and also weighed up against the character's preferred non-invite action and the one with the greatest appeal is chosen
+ Fixed building turn end actions not tracking space usage properly about half the time
+ Fixed an issue causing the inn end turn action to never create a valid instance
+ Lowered strength of match to some extra character images so the Angelica images win out (mostly, and particularly finally)
+ A couple of possible fixes for bad asset download states
+ Added colouring templates
+ Added villain taking over the realm after the player is minionised cutscene/outcome to Captured By The Villain
+ Added the Shifting The Link activity (further plot setup, access to the villain as a captive)
+ Added the Resist The Villain activity, the showdown between those loyal enough to side with you and the rest after the villain's weapon fires
+ Added a branch off the Final Countdown activity when you are not in the realm or involved in the Final Countdown activity
+ Fixed items not showing destroyed status in result previews
+ The activity that was completed is now included as a relevant card when viewing results
+ Added the Hero's Ultimatum activity. This dialog activity occurs if the hero is between clearer branches, and lets you push them towards one
+ Hopefully fixed an oddity that could cause the creation of two mansion locations (and some other weirdness)
+ Fixed outside of realm entertainment not reducing loneliness
+ Added regular sex to the end of turn sex action (i.e. when someone has sex with a partner/lover instead of a servant/captive marked for general use they won't damage their partner etc.)
-> Also fixed a few bugs and added preference weighting by sex skill and attraction
+ Added character personal funds and pay (every tenth turn)
-> Rather than paying a specific amount, a level of satisfaction with their pay is set. This amount is added to satisfaction each day until the character's next pay
-> Pay rates can be set with a mass action
-> Characters will use their personal funds to pay for out of realm activities
-> Prices can be set on buildings, characters and items for use. Item costs are ignored when a character is tempted into using an item. A realm wide price can be set for characters
-> Residents can be given a bonus to improve their satisfaction and fondness for the player
+ Fixed invites not correctly considering personal appeal
+ Added an 'energy credit' setting. Roughly, you can still pay characters, heal characters and do a few other things up until you hit the limit. You can still go beyond the limit when sending characters out to complete activities
+ Fixed some issues causing builders to not do personal actions like resting even when they're not building due to exhaustion
+ Auto-assign to building roles now assigns the player last
+ Tweaked how actions are chosen a little so it's more random
+ Added starting matter and energy options
+ Characters will now heal slightly even without resources. Healing wounds without resources will cause soul/body damage, lengthening downtime
+ Tweaked satisfaction, loyalty and verve change numbers
+ Added selection options for minion type when the realm is hit by the villain's superweapon (only newly generated Final Countdown activities will have the new options)
+ Result previews should now show tfs properly
+ Characters will now usually generate self image traits that can be changed with body shaping; reduced the chance of random traits (which can include non-physical ones) and increased chance for attraction/dislike
+ Fixed not all asset downloads showing in the download ui