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Oceanox 1.16.5

Oceanox Survival
A downloadable game for Windows

Oceanox 1.16.5 UPDATE


Golems can now Smart AI Predict for Rock Throws, based on your movement and speed it can now predict where you are gonna move and will throw the rock in that direction instead of your position.


Cacti have been moved to the DEADZONE Biome.

Removed Terrain Camera Wallpaper as the terrain was loaded in yet.

Changed some more values for Golem balancing. 

When throwing an object (eg, rock, stick) it now change back to the last held weapon instead of a random item like a spear.

Changed to fullscreen mode (again)

Increased Frustum performance and added to all models and entities. this excludes holding item (eg. spears, axe)

Optimized Model Preloading. Previously, some models were not preloaded, causing unnecessary stutters. Now, all required models are preloaded properly, leading to a significant FPS boost.

Changed FPS from 120 to players monitors refresh rate. if unable to detect it will reset to 120.


Fixed postprocessing being called x3 times in main.

Fixed a Zero length vector error due to golems.

Fixed Spin Attacks, it will now spin towards the player.

Fixed Jellyfish being able to float above the water height.

Fixed particles rendering before water allowing you to see water through particles.

Fixed MasterRenderer doing redundant checks, this will improve performance.


  • Oceanox Launcher v2.0.3.jar 13 MB
    Jul 22, 2024
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