Posted February 25, 2025 by Schmidt Workshops
#Update #Bug Fixes #New Features #Major Update
UPDATE: I have re-uploaded the update. It is compatible with old saved games HOWEVER it will not allow you to load them right away. Scroll down to where you see "Major Update 0.9.910 to see how to get it to work with an older saved game. Sorry about the inconvenience
The maps will now show three new icons. Note: This will only effect the maps of dungeons you have not entered yet. Old saved dungeons will not display these icons. Sorry!
Dungeon Exits are shown as small, archways, as seen near the bottom of the above screenshot.
Stairs that lead to a higher level will show a small up arrow next to the first flight, as shown near the top in the above screenshot.
Stairs that lead to a lower level show a small down arrow.
Some of the stairs had a weird rendering bug where you could see through the top of flight of stairs. I believe I have fixed all of these. They were not terribly obvious so you may not have noticed, but it definitely bothered me!
Now, when you encounter a chest or a defeated enemy, you can opt to take all of the contents with one button click. The take all button should save you valuable time.
Allies at Camp or Dead could still be attacked by enemies. This only happened when you selected an ally, then cancelled and used 'attack' but missed. In this case, the enemy would continue to target your ally, even if they were at camp, or dead.
If you tried to equip a weapon that you could not actually equip (due to your skill not being high enough) it would fail. However, if you checked your character sheet (C) it would show the name of the unequipped weapon name, even though the actual, equipped weapon's stats would still be used in combat.
Well it was an obvious mistake once I looked at the code. I was able to re-bind keys and even save them from one session to another, but I forgot to include all the keys in the save file, so only those for movement were being saved. My bad!
All the re-bound keys should be saved between sessions now.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you check the major update 0.9.910 below which explains how to update your saved games.
Your previous save files are compatible with this version, but there is an error if you had saved the game inside of a dungeon. So, to get the game running, you will have to follow the following steps.
If you're saved game was in the overworld, good news! It is simple to update your saved game, to do it, find your saved game folder "C:\Users\-Your Username-\AppData\Local\Cyclopean" and open the folder with the saved game number you want to update, like "Save_1" or "Save_2" etc... Find the "character.sav" file and open it in notepad. The first few lines will read: 0.9.904 character info character pos_x,280 character pos_y,88 ... To make it loadable, just change that first line to: 0.9.910 Then you can load the game as usual.
If, however, your most recent saved game was in a dungeon, you have an additional step required. First, if your game was updated, you will need to download the previous version of the game (0.9.904). In Steam, go to "Cyclopean: The Great Abyss > Properties > Betas" and select "old_version_09904" from the drop down. Once the old version is installed, you could choose to simply continue playing this version of the game. If you want to update it to the new version, you just need to move your character out of the dungeon, and anywhere in the overworld. Save the game and exit. Then return to "Cyclopean: The Great Abyss > Properties > Betas" and select "default" from the drop down. Finally, scroll back up to "Saved in Overworld" and follow those instructions, and you will be able to load your old saved game. NOTE: Know that all the dungeons have been updated, and will be different the next time you enter them. If you want to keep your dungeons intact, just follow the instructions under "Saved in Dungeon" above, and continue playing the older version. I always try to make changes compatible with older saved files, and if I can't, i try to allow players to update their files to match the new version. I apologize about any inconvenience. If you have any trouble getting things working, please don't hesitate to reach out. Send an email to and let me know what's going on.
There was a problem where old ally data could stay in your list of allies. I made sure when an ally is resigned, all the data gets removed, so this should not happen anymore.
It was possible to have certain allies attack their friends. Now some allies have other friends who they will refuse to attack.
Ally health did not update in the allies list correctly after healing.
Several misspelled words and text related issues have been resolved in the manual and inquiry pages.
In the overworld it was possible for you and a monster to occupy the same space, in those arched gates by the Gug's kingdom.
It was possible to gather an unlimited number of supplies. This means of gathering stuff has been shut down. Sorry.
It was possible to access certain treasure chests through walls.
Books are now unique items you will have to search for. Monsters, traders and chests should no longer contain books in their inventory. (If your current saved game has them, they will not be removed, but in new games this will be the situation).
The Ghoul's Crag now has more entrances.
Two new, unique characters have been added to the game,
This update introduces supply quantities.
Now bandages, tea, lockpicks and such will have up to three units per inventory slot. This way, you can carry more stuff, especially those consumable items.
When buying and selling, you will be getting one unit at a time. The amount shown is the amount per unit. It should be pretty self explanatory once you use it.
Next I hope to allow players to move items around (up or down).