7821 Akuji Demo Released!
Woo! Big milestone for me! Got my demo out in the wild, hopefully folks will try it and lemme know how it performs on older gpus! Here's the demo's trailer:
Some notes:
- About 5 months spent on this so far.
- First time out with Unreal Engine
- Apart from the bgm and some sound effects (and of course, the game engine), the models textures and design has been hand crafted my yours truly :)
- My idea of having low poly objects with low-res textures is not panning out as well as I like. Most of my time is spent making the 3d assets.
Next steps for this project:
- Make more assets!
- Sort out the sound effects, this totally slipped my mind until I was preparing for the demo release. XD
- Figure out the cost of getting translations and implementing them into the game. At the moment the game does support translations for languages that use the alphabet, but not for say, Japanese or Chinese. Definitely a thing I wanna learn/implement
- Steam achivements.
Will try to add:
- Colour blind support. Depending on how difficult it is - definitely will be in my next project.