v0.1.1 Released! (SFX Patch)
Hi Everyone!
We have been hard at work updating the game, squashing bugs and adding sound effects, so we are proud to present to you the 1st Patch of The Classroom Escape! While it is not necessary to download the new version, we would highly recommend it, thanks to the brand new features added! You can take a look at all the changes below:
- New feature: Lots of new sound effects! (These add a lot of atmosphere so make sure you unmute the next time you play)
- New feature: Brand new animations! (We're so excited for you to check them out! They're a great new addition to what we've added so far)
- Quality of Life Update (QOL): Added a skip intro cutscene option. (Very useful if you enter the application many times)
- General Update: Added icons in some places, like on the page and now it's in the game too!
- General Update: Added a coming-soon screen for other subjects (They are actually coming soon!)
- General Update: It got a little confusing to tell when you actually clicked on the laptop to enter in the password for the Chemistry escape room, so we added a blinking cursor to make it a little clearer.
- General Update: We added the current version number on the home-screen, so it is known for future updates.
- Reworked: We changed up the appearance of some of the screens to look better.
- Reworked: We changed the Chemistry escape room selection screen to tell you what topics you need to know to do the escape room. (Yes, unfortunately this means we are only doing one escape room for each subject for the time being)
- Reworked: In the Chemistry escape room, we changed the lock on the door to work like a keypad, where you actually press the numbers instead of typing it with a keyboard. (Using a keyboard didn't feel like we were filling the correct code out properly)
- Reworked: We adjusted some of the code in the project to separate it a little more to improve organization, this could boost performance a little bit, especially in the future, but it isn't a very big change.
- Reworked: We got rid of a lot of old assets that were in the old version, so this should help to reduce the size of the whole program by a good bit.
- Bugfix: There were quite a few issues with the hint system, so we've made some changes and it should work better now. (There's a chance you might run into another issue with the hint system, so let us know if you encounter one.)
- Bugfix: The note in the Chemistry escape room didn't have any blue highlighted in the main screen, so we've made sure to fix that for this update.
- Bugfix: Fixed quite a few issues with the skip intro cutscene option. (We're still trying to fix it a little more, so if you notice something let us know!)
- Bugfix: Changed the title of the game in a windowed format and added an icon next to it. (If the game appears full screen for you, you might not notice the changes, but for others you may see them)
As you can see, we've added a bunch of features, reworks and bugfixes in this patch. We're excited for you to try it out and let us know what you think! We hope you enjoy it!