Posted February 07, 2025 by Limekys
#flexpanels #game maker
The new release brings a built-in system Game Maker flexpanels, which allows you to fine-tune the location and size of all elements, and all this is calculated automatically and on the fly, which, for example, will allow you to change the size of the game window, and your interface will adjust to the new size.
A lot of work has been done to update all the elements for the new system, and also retained some past functionality, for example, you still, when adding elements, the last element can specify an array of ratios of the size of the elements and it will work correctly.
But some functions like setHalign and setValign had to be removed (they are still in the code, but will be removed in the next release). Instead of them it is now better to use setFlexJustifyContent and setFlexAlignContent, and the LuiFlexRow, LuiFlexColumn and LuiAbsContainer helper elements together, so you can customize your interface much more flexibly.
The way you create your initial design for the UI has also been changed. Now you don't need to write a huge structure with variable naming to specify sprites, colors, etc. It is enough to create new LuiStyle() and by chaining functions specify all sprites, colors and other settings: .setSprites(sUiPanel...).setColors(c_white, c_grey...).setPadding(16)...
Before you start, I suggest you study the Game Maker flexpanels documentation, and see how Yoga works, on which it is based.
The DEMO code has also been updated and is much more readable, you can see what it looks like now to get a better understanding of how to write your UI.
Full changelog you can read here: