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v0.5.2 Public Release!

The Simpsons Dating Sim
A downloadable Dating Sim for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Here's what's new with v0.5.2!

New Stories

  • Ms. Muntz added to Moes Bar with a triggerable story event if you buy her a beer.
  • More of Marge's story.  More of Lurleen and Marge's Story.

Msc Things Added

  • Replaced marge shower image with a marge showering animation
  • Kirk Can be seen watching TV, from the bedroom window, in the evening.
  • Added Moes (You can visit it from the map)
  • Added Moe at Moes (You can buy beer from him)
  • Added Barny Gumble at Moes, he falls asleep in a couple different places.
  • Lovejoy's front yard added (You can visit from the map).  
  • Added Maggie and Maggie's room.  You can visit her.
  • Added Basement
  • You can see all of the Simpson's characters sleeping now (partial nudity for some).  They still kick you out of their rooms (except Maggie) when they go to bed but you can walk back in after they're asleep.
  • Added Santa's little helper (family dog).  He roams around and sleeps in different places.  If you compliment him enough, he'll have a 30% chance of sleeping in your room at night.
  • Santa's helper has a hidden animation you can find, if you figure out where he sometimes goes during the day.

Small Changes

  • Minor improvements to dialogue for some existing triggerable events
  • Some Spelling fixes for existing text
  • Added advance time button to world map so you can advance time from the world map.
  • Removed locked icon for buildings not yet travelable (Because I haven't added them yet) but kept them greyed out.
  • Beer is purchasable from Moes Tavern and comes in a Mug rather than a bottle.
  • Beer (as well as food and drink) no longer has a time cost associated with it so you can eat and drink alcohol late at night.
  • When you drink a beer, you no longer see the text "you drink a beer" but instead see a flashing green effect before your intelligence is lowered.
  • When you use deodorant there is an egg shell white color that pulses on the screen, when the text "you use x" is displayed.
  • Re-wrote Stat Display System that displayed messages on the right such as "Lisa gained +1 Love" to be able to handle multiple messages at a time, with timed fade-ins and fadeouts, each below the previous one with a delay.  So if two characters change love stats at the same time, it displays both.

Visual Polish

  • Partially redrew and cleaned up Lisa's room, The Upstairs hallway, Bart's room, The church, Marge and Homer's room, and Flander's front Yard
  •  Improved shading for world map
  • Fixed issue where long names in phone task list would overlap outside of phone.
  • MC now is now unshaven.  Added for all animations and images. Redrew/improved a few additional minor things as I was going through all the images to make that change.
  • Partially redrew some characters, and some of their expressions, and outfits
  • Redrew lurleen kiss images.
  • Redrew and cleaned more art like the orc slayer images and the taking a shower image.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where it crashed after you showed up to Edna's date smelling bad, and after she complained.
  • Fixed bug where if you canceled your date with Edna, then went to Edna's house she would be floating sitting in-front of her house drinking coffee.
  • Fixed crash when you say you'll be on date with Edna, after she calls you to say you're not there yet, but then you still don't show up.
  • Dollars will no longer wind up being a long fraction when you pay different tip amounts or split the dinner bill with Edna.
  • Dollars are now always displayed rounding down to the nearest dollar on the top game bar.
  • Fixed bug where if you triggered lisa's first event in the evening, the event wouldn't register as finished after you finished it because she would interrupt the completion of the event by alerting you that she had to go to bed.


  • Carl and Lenny were not added at Moes (Only Moe, Ms. Muntz, and , this update.  They will be added in some future update.
  • Homer doesn't yet go to Moes but he will in a future update. 


  • 125 MB
    Version 0.5.2
  • 120 MB
    Version 0.5.2
Download The Simpsons Dating Sim
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