Posted February 02, 2025 by jalex
#update #new content
Updated the game, content should mostly be the same from the last version but includes many bug fixes. Mobile versions have been updated as well.
Here's a comprehensive change list that includes what changed from the last version:
Added the Laserline alt laser.
Added the Warden alt laser
Added the Tankend Player Character.
Added twitter banner to main menu.
Added engine exhaust animation to emperors throne.
Added transparency effect to player character when invincible.
Tweaked inventory ui to improve clarity.
Buffed the speed and acceleration of all ships.
Buffed invincibility frames for when you take damage as well as when taking a hit while you have armour or shields (with supershields equipped).
Buffed Opaleyes invincibility frames in all cases.
Buffed shotgun fire type to spawn three alt lasers instead of just the front one.
Buffed player flames/flamethrower.
Fixed ring laser not being angled on certain fire types.
Fixed Gamma planet level spawning a wave twice.
Fixed certain Gamma planet enemy objects not being damaged by certain weapon types.
Improved memory performance.