is community of indie game creators and players


Version 0.1.0

Bigger Beginnings
A browser game made in HTML5

Bigger Beginnings version 0.1 released

This is a new game I'm working on. This one features transformationsbreast expansionfemale muscle gain, and more to come! (I plan to add attribute theft content soon.)

This is intended to be a sandbox game, where you can choose where and how to progress.

The images are AI-generated.

The current content is

- 3 levels for strength and 3 levels for "charm" for the main character (every combination has related images)

- 120+ images (I may have to resize them in the future as they are a bit big, making the game heavier than I expected)

- 5 working city locations (the rest are under construction, and all of them will be improved in the future)

- 3 girls with affinity (I have to work more on that, but basically they have levels, events, and in the future more interaction)

This project is on a bigger scale than everything that I've done before. I've been testing and fixing every error that I saw, but there may be more. If you find any bugs or have suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them.

I'm excited to work on this!

Note: Experience gain and money gain are NOT balanced yet, I want to see you opinions about that, I don't want the game to feel too grindy nor too fast!


  • BiggerBeginnings0.1 186 MB
    7 days ago
  • 186 MB
    7 days ago
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