is community of indie game creators and players


Scaling back for now,

The Lost Swords of Taliesin
A downloadable game

So, it's been a rough 6 months for me with this.  Unity has done some weird stuff with their networking API breaking one of my tandum projects that used this code, and only thanks to Mirror am I able to salvage it.  It's been super discouraging and as someone doing this in their spare time and not as a full time job, that's slowed things down a lot.

But, what I had was kinda fun, and another bit of code I had I think would be enough to make an alpha 0.1.0 game play thing I could make public and feel OK with that.  It's still going to take some time to cobble together, but I'm going to start pushing again to get this moving forward.

As such, here's the early Alpha release doc rules I'm setting for myself to make sure I can do this without scope creeping myself into an indifinate never reachable finish line:

If you're still following this, thank you, you're amazing.

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