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Devlog #9: A (more) playable demo is finally out!

Age of Heralds
A browser game made in HTML5

Happy, happy holidays! After a period of festive decanting, the next version of Age of Heralds is out that's even more playable without supervision! (The text still looks kinda blurry when played on Windows desktop though. I'm working on that.)

Again, it's still in demo stage so if you have played it and have more longform feedback to provide, please reach out to eddie at (and I can add you to the beta-test section in the credits!).

2 What's Next

It's satisfying getting through so many story edits, bugfixes and quality of life changes for this pass, but also bemusing to still have so many things I'd want to improve. What feels keenly missing (which shows where my priorities and expertise are lacking) is a more custom looking UI (right now, apart from the colour scheme, it's still pretty generic), and also giving the music and art a proper go.

But for now, hopefully the story still hits, and I'm definitely welcoming feedback from a more general audience.

Age of Heralds, that's the name, that name again is Age of Heralds:

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