Posted January 20, 2025 by GitHubLaw
It might appear not much has changed, but in fact there is quite a bit.
Inspired by road fighter, I've added a bend. This bend is a little bigger than I would have liked, but I'm at the mercy of the track pieces that come with the kit, so I had to make due with what I have. With this size of bend, it looked HORRIBLE going over it without any rotation. So I used a series of checkpoint-like colliders placed at intervals around the bend. When the player hits these rotation checkpoints, it rotates to match the checkpoint - so that's how the rotation is accomplished right now. I actually had some smoothing in to help with the jittery-ness, but I ended up taking that out and embracing the retro roughness of the harsh rotation — it kinda grows on ya, and besides the final version might not have this big of a bend.
Pictured: The final result on the car!
It's not perfect, but it's retro-rough, so I might be able to get away with it!!
I spent some time on the lateral movement. It occured to me that it's not logical to be able to move the car when you're not moving, so I rolled with that theory a little, and made a resistance curve so that you gain more control as you gain speed. I'm not sure I'm done tweaking it yet, but it's starting to feel pretty good, I think I might like it!
The AI, who didn't make the cut in this version cause I messed him up just before I made the build, is now able to look ahead and therefore able to (sorta) navigate the new bends in the road. And he's able to reset (sorta!) if he gets messed up. There's not much left to do, and the AI will be smart enough to go, then things will start to come together pretty fast, I think!
Pictured: The FPS counter and a whole lot more! There's a whole other panel that I didn't capture, but there's lots of info displayed!
I gotta fix the AI, then build a stretch of road that's long enough to actually play. Once done, I think I have some work to do to make the car feel faster, I don't think it's quite fast enough, and I might look into a few effects to help enhance the feeling of speed.
Then I'm gonna flesh-out our spawn system and start spawning AI's and that should give us our first actual play test - with some actual gameplay to test the controls on. I'm planning to support 2 difficulty levels, so the spawner will ofc spawn more on the higher difficulty level, and I'll likely tweak a few of the AI's parameters on the higher difficulty too. These parameters are actually already built in and seem to be working pretty good, so this feature should go quickly and smoothly now - as it's been planned for since the beginning!
That's it for this release! Next release, the rubber hits the road! We can start perfecting the controls and gameplay!