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Ludum Dare 39 Results

Light Switch Crusader
A browser game made in HTML5

Here are our results for Ludum Dare 39 72 hour game jam!

After the jam there was a rating period of a few weeks where developers who worked on a submission are encouraged to play and rate other submitted games.

1361 submissions were made to the jam, this is how LIGHT SWITCH CRUSADER scored against them:

Overall: 389th (3.414 of 5 averaged from 101 ratings)
Fun: 318th (3.31  of 5 averaged from 102 ratings)
Innovation: 308th (3.245  of 5 averaged from 100 ratings)
<theme:< span="">Theme: 307th (3.67  of 5 averaged from 102 ratings)
Graphics: 522nd (3.25  of 5 averaged from 102 ratings)
Audio: 252nd (3.402  of 5 averaged from 99 ratings)
Humor: 60th (3.837  of 5 averaged from 100 ratings)

<theme:< span="">

<theme:< span="">As you can see we got about 100 developers to play and rate our game. They also commented with some outstanding feedback we plan to employ in further updates of the game.

The games small team is currently deciding the method of updating the game.

The updating process has already begun!

When we decide how to deploy updates this blog is where it will be explained.

We are very stoked by the number of views this game has seen so far!

Thanks for taking the time to play LIGHT SWITCH CRUSADER! :)

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