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The Morning After Update Is Here!

Freshmen: Physical Education
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

At long last,  the Morning After Update is out of early access and available for everyone to play! 

Thank you so much for following along with this game's progress—you have all been extremely patient!

Before you download the game, please read the following. There's much more info below, but these are the key things you should know.

Important Notes - Read Before Playing

The length of this segment is based on your choices.

Some events lead to long, connected scenes, and some lead to flying quickly through the new content. If the latter happens, I encourage checking out how events change if you make different choices.

If you use the app, you may need to re-add the game.

I'm now using Itch's Butler system that'll let me push updates of just new/updated files instead of the whole game each time. This should hopefully make updating the game via the app a smoother process.

You must load a save made before the end of Day 2.

This is only relevant to those of you who played the early access builds for this release.

If you load a save made before the end of Day 2 but after the end of Day 1, then interact with Alex, you will likely see the wrong sprites.

This will resolve itself as you progress to the new content, but if you intend to interact with Alex during Day 2 before proceeding, you should load a save made prior to the end of Day 1 or start a new game to avoid any errors.

When you reach the end of the update, you will see "to be continued" and then a closing message.

If your game randomly fades to the main menu, that means I messed up some code. I'll catch it at some point, or you could let me know if you feel so inclined.

There may be some errors.

As this is an in-progress game made by a solo developer, I can't always catch every bug. If you find one that proves to be game stopping, please feel free to let me know either via a comment or a DM. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

These are the main things you need to know, but read on for a more detailed look at what's in the update!

New Content Overview

This story update picks up from where you left off at the end of your first day of school. It will continue on through the rest of the morning, which includes:

  • Dealing with the immediate aftermath of your evening choices, both good and bad
  • Talking with some of the guys about what went down, which can lead to some fun new opportunities
  • Deciding how you feel about the guys you've interacted with most, which will directly affect how their storylines play out
  • Experiencing special scenes for a few guys if you've invested enough time with them and made the right choices during that time
  • Crossing paths with more of the colorful (and often naked) supporting cast as you head off to your classes, including meeting a few new classmates
  • Discovering more about what your professors intend to teach you—but only if you ask first, of course

All of this content is heavily reactive to your choices. If you indicate your Connor is focused on romance more than hooking up, for example, the dialogue and interactions you have will reflect that. Same for things like preferred sexual position and your mood.

Decisions you made with certain guys could lead to your next interactions involving casual greetings, painfully awkward conversations, longing looks, and/or hands-on lust. Some unique combination of choices open up avenues to future encounters that otherwise would never occur—not just for Connor but for those in his orbit.

The script for this section of the game is the length of an epic novel, and it includes everything from slightly altered dialogue to entirely new scenes based on what you chose to do. So please, explore, pick choices you otherwise wouldn't make, talk to guys who didn't initially catch your interest, or whatever else strikes your fancy. There's some really fun stuff waiting to be found!

Additionally, this update comes with over 80 new CGs to unlock, plus a hefty amount of updated art in service of the ongoing effort to bring every part of the game up to the same level of quality.*

*Alex, Leo, and Riley all have updated character models, but the majority of their existing CGs (and sprites for Leo) have not been revised yet. Expect discrepancies in the pre-Morning After Update CGs for these guys in particular—I'll add new versions of their CGs soon!

Accessing the New Content

Every end point where you previously saw "to be continued" is now able to be continued. Two new ending points for Day 2 have been added in service of players focused on Matt and Evan, who is now a romance option.

Wakeup Locations

Matt's Apartment

  • If sober, opt to sleep over after Matt passes out (newly added)
  • If drunk, you automatically sleep over
  • Hook up with Leo and choose to sleep in his or Matt's room

Griffin's Apartment

  • Hook up with Griffin
  • Just sleep over

Frat House

  • Spend the night watching over Evan after he passes out (newly added)
  • Hook up with Julian and allow Owen to help you finish

Dorm Room

Every other ending picks up here, including:

  • Hooked up with Marco
  • Jerked off with Marco
  • Allowed Marco to jerk while you went to bed, waited for him outside, or made him go to the bathroom
  • Hooked up with Julian but did not accept Owen's help
  • Declined Julian & Owen's proposition
  • Hooked up with Alex
  • Hooked up with Skinema
  • Watched Alex and Skinema hooking up
  • Ended your night by comforting/kissing/making out with Isaiah
  • Walked home by Asher
  • Got blackout drunk at the club

Character-Specific Content

All storylines are continued in some fashion, though some characters have less content, primarily for story reasons. Here is a breakdown of the main characters and how to find the newest content related to them. Some of this is a little spoiler-y, so you may want to come back to this later if that's a concern of yours.


Hook up with him at the club or watch him hook up with Mafia & NC17 (detailed below). You can also proposition him in the afternoon but not go through with it after you get to the club.


Flirt with him either before or after the Skinema show, then walk home with him.

Alternatively, hook up with Mafia & NC17 after hanging out with the band after their show. Another alternative: Watch Alex hook up with Mafia & NC17 (detailed below).


Proposition him either in the afternoon or at the party, hang out with him the entire party, play spin the bottle, then link back up with him. Do not play off the proposition when you make it. If you reach a CG of him hugging you, you've unlocked a special scene.


Speak to him after spin the bottle, then choose the new ending option to stay at the frat to watch over him. You can also have a few unique encounters with Evan if you stay at the frat via the Julian hookup path.


Speak to him after Skinema's show at the club, then go back to his apartment. Once there, either hook up, just watch a movie, or just go to sleep.


Reach Isaiah's make out scene at the end of Day 2. You'll need to make the following choices:

  • Hang out in the afternoon and proposition him
  • Before going to the club, go to the showers with him, then let him see you naked
  • Go to the club, then after Alex's presentation press Isaiah about his drama
  • After Skinema's show, dance with him at least once
  • Defend him from David
  • Follow him back to the dorm, then head to common area
  • Comfort him, then reciprocate his kiss

If you want to see alternate dialogue, skip either or both of the shower and dance scenes. To just comfort without any kiss, do not proposition him, do not ask him about his drama, and/or do not defend him from David.


Speak to him before the end of the party or watch the monologues, then go upstairs and hook up. Agree to let Owen help you finish, and in the morning choose to either stay and talk to Owen or immediately run home.

Alternatively, hook up but go home instead of letting Owen help you, or turn them down entirely after you are propositioned.


Go to Matt's apartment, then hook up with him after Matt passes out. You can sleep in either guy's room, but you will only be able to avoid a morning convo with Matt if you sleep in Matt's room.


Build up some sexual tension by propositioning him in the afternoon or nudging his knee later that night. After he passes out, choose to sleep over or choose to hook up with Leo, then sleep over.

Alternatively, you can drink every drink you're given while hanging out with Matt & Leo to wake up hungover.

No matter what you choose to do, if you move things in a sexual direction in the morning, it'll open up some interesting interactions with Matt.

Another option: Promise to hang out with Matt on your first day, either after going to his apartment or after orientation if you invite him. Then break that promise—this is a choice which ripples through a number of different scenes.


You will always run into Marco, but how things play out varies widely based on your choices.

First, hang out with him after Will's class, then proposition him. Make your choice of where to go that night.

At the party, hang out with him all night, go home with him, then either hook up, jerk off together, let him jerk off while you sleep, step outside while he jerks off, or ask him to jerk off in the bathroom.

Alternatively, turn down Julian's proposition, or hook up with Julian but go home instead of accepting Owen's help.

At Matt's place, leave when Matt and Leo try to convince you to take your shirt off. When you catch Marco jerking off, let him do it with you in the room, then either join him or go to sleep. Alternatively, step outside or make him do it in the bathroom. If you jerk off together, either proposition him or just stick to jerking off.

At the club, head home early to catch him jerking off, then do the same as above.

Alternatively, get blackout drunk at the club (detailed below), or make literally any other ending choice.

There are alternate versions of most of his scenes if you don't hang out with him after Will's class, or if you do but don't proposition him.

If you want to avoid Marco as much as possible, don't hang out in the afternoon, then spend the night at Matt's place. In the morning, talk to Matt instead of fleeing. Alternatively, hook up with Julian, sleep over with Owen, then talk to Owen in the morning.


Hook up with Julian at the end of the party, agree to let Owen help you finish, then talk to him in the morning.


You'll always run into Riley in the morning. To go as far as you can with him you need to make out with him at the end of the frat party. To do that, make the following choices:

  • Hang out with Riley after Will's class
  • Proposition him twice
  • Shower before going to the party
  • Hang out with Riley the entire time you're at the party
  • Defend Riley when Victoria shows up
  • Speak one on one with him after the monologue scene

Mafia & NC17

Hook up with them by hanging out with the band after their show, then follow them to the storage room.

Alternatively, exit the club via the back when leaving. You'll need to first find the exit by doing any of the following:

  • Come with Alex to the club after hanging out in the afternoon
  • Hang out with Asher in the afternoon
  • Choose to go solo after Alex's presentation, then explore downstairs

Then do one of the following:

  • Hang out with Alex after Skinema's show, don't hook up, then choose to leave via the back
  • Go solo after Skinema's show, make sure you don't get drunk, then go home when the option comes up. Choose to leave out the back.

When you hear Alex, Mafia, & NC17 going at it, peek in, then choose to watch.


You will encounter Tomas regardless of what you do. The interactions you can have depend on whether or not you flirted with him previously, and if you did, how successfully.


Like Tomas, you will always encounter Will. You can navigate the dialogue differently if you already propositioned him. There is also extra dialogue if you asked Griffin about him and then decide to ask Will for his thoughts on what Griffin said.

Just Connor

Do literally anything, just make sure you go to the club, then get blackout drunk at the end of the night. To do so, choose to go solo after Skinema's show, then drink and drink and drink some more until you end up getting a lift home from Antonio.


If you load a save made after the end of Day 1 and interact with Alex during Day 2, you will see him in the wrong outfit. This will resolve itself when the game reaches the new content, but it's possible you'll get a "file not found" error. If that happens, you'll need to load a save made prior to the end of Day 1 or start a new game.

The most common issue beyond this is seeing a "variable not found" error that breaks saves. I hope to have avoided that issue, but if you do see it, starting a new game and skipping back to where you were is the only way I know to solve it.

Most error screens—including some with that same variable not found message—will be something I have to address myself. I don't expect anyone to act as a free QA person, but if you come across an issue and want to let me know, I'll fix it ASAP.

Also: I imagine you will come across a few typos. If you find any and want to point them out, it'd be much appreciated.

Thank you for playing!

I hope you enjoy the Morning After Update!


  • 1.4 GB
    Version 0.2.2
  • 1.4 GB
    Version 0.2.2
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