Version 1.0.2 has released!
Posted January 03, 2025 by Zaven
- The game now actually uses a save file! Right now, it just saves your best time, options, and whether or not you've beaten the game.
- The game actually has an icon on the file explorer now.
Oh, also the game now displays your best time on the title screen.
LINUX PORT????? Yeah, I started dual-booting Linux Mint yesterday, so now I can playtest and feel comfortable releasing Linux ports!
- The door room no longer adjusts your mouse position
- Fixed bugs regarding the boss's color when dying.
- The poof effect for feather circle attacks is less pixelated.
- You can back-track after beating the final boss again. (It was removed in version 1.0.1, due to concerns of bugs that turn out to not exist.)
- Restarting after getting a game over is far less jarring.
- You can now use the "--devmode" command line parameter when starting up the game after beating it to unlock various debug features.