Posted December 27, 2024 by LilySauce
Right now, it's around the first anniversary of Transportal's first ever release! (Technically, I think the day is tomorrow, but who's counting?)
When I first made a release of my game public, I did not truly know how much support (and frankly, immense kindness) that I would receive for my work. I'm so happy that people have gone out of their way to be as supportive, kind, patient, and verbally enthusiastic as they have been!
It's amazing and wild to me that I'm still here, a year later, able to work on my project (with support!), as well as interact with the community that's been built around my game. I'm really glad to be able to interact with caring people about something I enjoy doing! Anyways, I could go on talking about this forever, so instead I'll say...