Posted December 25, 2024 by Kaysun
Magli Draelyn and Knigel find themselves in an abandoned railway line that leads them directly to their hometown, Areltun--what a stroke of luck! Or so it might seem... Looks like the Dragon Syndicate has one last trick up their sleeves, and it's their complete control over Drakageau's subway system! Stay above the train to stay safe as it travels back and forth between Drakageau and Areltun, or if you're feeling brave, hit the front of the train to safely pass by it for a short time. However you decide to deal with the train, just be aware: you can run from the train all you want, but you can't run forever: you'll inevitably have to come face to face with the train conductor himself...
[NOTE: Magli = Mage Form, Draelyn = Dragon Form]
By some Christmas miracle, Chapter 1 of Magli Draelyn the Half-Dragon Mage is finally complete! No big deal, it only took like--what?--more than a year and a half after the first demo releasing on with progress past Ch. 1-1 being in limbo for eight months due to me trying to recreate the game from scratch in Godot while also learning how to use it at the same time? Pfft... that's nothing...
... *ahem* ...
Anyways, with the first chunk of the game/story finally done, I think it's time for me to shift my focus away from adding new levels for a bit in the coming year and instead focus on thinking of ways to show this vertical slice of the game to more people. This doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to stop working on the game entirely. I may still change or add features as I see fit--just no new levels for a while. I'll admit, I'm not exactly the type of person who likes putting himself out there on the Internet--especially with how some bad apples act online nowadays and the risks that come with Internet fame--but I think I'd rather just plan carefully with how and where I present this game and take things one step at a time so as not to get overwhelmed with a constant stream of notifications, feedback, etc.
I suppose that could be my New Year's resolution, but like any resolution anyone makes for the new year, it may or may not be followed...
Just... don't expect anything TOO big from me anytime soon. I'd just rather go at my own pace with this sort of thing as usual.
Happy Holidays and have a happy new year!
- Kaysun (JKSun22)