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Patch Notes: 0.12 "Pumice"

Rite of Tephra
A downloadable game for Windows

version 0.12 - 06.10.2019

1. Reduced the rate that monsters are reeled in to the player in auto-mode. Previously I used the same speed as auto-mode for reeling them in, but the 50% increase in rate from v0.11 lead to some physics issues, especially with the pillbugs. Specifically, enemies would go so fast that they would "beat" the physics timestep and ignore collisions (usually falling into the void, but sometimes instagibbing the player).

2. On a similar note, you can no longer get rag-dolled from reeling in enemies and colliding with them. While amusing, it wasn't intentional. Note - you can still get ragdolled if you reel in a pillbug during their charge attack. THAT is intentional, and can be blocked (yes, you can block while grappling vs enemies).

3. Working on various improvements to visibility when walking around in the "inverted" color zone. Increased intensitites of highlights and dark areas, increased saturation of the colors.

4. Added text to the screen to indicate player death during the "death-cam" state. It will pulse and read "You have died, press ESCAPE to continue". This is separate from the death menu.

5. Default selection in the main menu should now correctly set to the "Start" button. Also, pressing "E" or interact to show the main menu buttons will select the start button rather than activating it.

6. Increasing the time for the inverted zone (aka "Sphere of Doom") to shrink. 30s was too punishing in very deep and large maps where the player would not be able to reach the shrine before death. Now the time varies between 60s and 30s depending on the map size, where large caves take longer, regardless of the dungeon depth.

7. Fixed a bug where the fog color and density would change suddenly as soon as the final Obelisk was triggered. Now they smoothly change as the Sphere of Doom closes in. The fog is used to give improved depth perception in the inverted zone.

8. Fixed an issue where targeting outlines would disappear in the inverted zone.

9. Reduced the low health bloom vfx to make it easier to see in the inverted zone.

10. Updated the intro music to a new version.

11. Changed the physics layer for the collider added to the pillbugs in v0.11 to prevent other pillbugs from crawling on top of them. Once again, while amusing, this was not intentional.

12. Fixed yet another bug related to NPC healthbars & Obelisk indicators not clearing properly on level change. This time involving my love-hate relationship with delegates. Now the two indicator managers are properly un-subscribed from the scene change event when returning to the main menu.

13. Drastically reduced the amount of screen shake applied by boulder traps to 1/5th of the former intensity. The amount of shake is still proportional to the proximity to the breaking boulder, but shouldn't turn the camera around anymore. Also it drops to zero intensity when far enough away.

14. Reduced the force applied to the player by pillbug roll attacks. Pillbugs with very high might values could launch the player across the map (or through it if standing near a wall).

15. Added yet another collider to the pillbug specifically for the roll attacks. Now, all of the mesh colliders get disabled during the roll attack and a separate sphere collider is enabled in their stead. This will hopefully mitigate some of the physics wonkiness from their collisions with the player (and other objects, for that matter). 

16. Made some fixes to the Fadeable object controller. It had some muddled logic for purging objects no longer in between the player and camera. Hopefully that fixes it (already confirmed to have not fixed the problem).

17. Fixed a bug where the dodge rotation wouldn't be set at zero velocities.

18. Fixed a bug where the dodge roll would abruptly stop at ledges. Now you go careening off of them to a potentially splattery death.

19. Boosted the rates of stamina regen to 2x and 1.5x while idle and walking, respectively. Jogging is 1x baseline. Pretty generous, eh?

20. Nerfed the super sprint air-dash so that only one dash can be performed midair (resets upon landing). Previously you could fly by tapping dodge (made far easier by changing the dodge to a single tap).

21. Improved directional stability of dodges (the initial direction is now found considerably faster with minimal smoothing). Still locks you into a dodge direction with limited controllability once you actually start rolling. That's intentional.

22. Fixed a bug where post processing effects weren't being unloaded upon returning to the menu. May require further work.

23. Slightly increased physics iterations from 6 to 8 in the hope that some physics bugs are reduced (at the cost of performance, unfortunately).

A few common bugs that should be considered an ongoing battle:

a. Physics bugs. Unity's physics are fickle. Trying to solve them as they pop up.

b. Sometimes my custom fade shader doesn't properly get initialized and objects may appear completely faded/dithered. Confirmed to still exist in the current build. Might have to switch methods to compare the depth buffer and screen positions to the player position to reduce reliance on raycasting...

c. UI bugs, especially when using a controller to navigate.

d. Enemy spawn points located outside of the map. Working on removing invalid spawns.

f. Interaction indicators stay or come back for objects that have already been interacted with.

g. Paul's awesome "Hall of Mirrors" audio effect remains upon exiting to the main menu from the inversion zone. Because it makes the intro music sound super evil and goes away when reloading a game, consider it an easter egg (unless it does something to break the game or never goes away, in which case we'll fix it). 

h. Extremely large dungeons can cause a stack overflow exception when generating the map geometry. This is game-breaking (ie. results in the player either spawning in empty space or not at all). We are working on fixing that asap.

i. AI related bugs. Pillbugs and Fireflies are really, really stupid. They aren't omniscient and don't operate according to any pathfinding algorithms like A*. It's all about sensor detection and physics based motion (they behave like heat seeking missiles or roombas, bumping around the cave until they find the player). As such, there are a lot of things that can go wrong, like enemies getting stuck in certain animation states (e.g. pillbugs sometimes won't unroll).


  • 653 MB
    Version 4
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