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Week 17 - Finals

Game Design 1
A downloadable game for Windows

This is the final week of the course, also this is the final of the entire class. The outdoor stage that the bunker lead to, including patrolling ai, landscape, and more to make a level feel truly alive. Specifically, I included multiple ppe's with the world getting darker when you enter the wooded area, an intense lense flare to add to the feeling of how bright it is after leaving the bunker, and the chromatic abberation around the patrolling ai to give a sense of something's wrong. While the story is not nearly as fleshed out as I'd like, it's a start to what I hope to be a game with a little bit of an unsettling and strange atmosphere.

A few things I wish I had done differently include a different texture for the ground, while it's good, it's too small and looks very strange in use. I wish I had also shrank the map a lot more, I tried multiple times but no matter what I did it still felt too large. And finally I wish I got the sound effects to work properly. They had worked in previous levels but for some reason here they just refused to function so I ended up removing them to lighten the weight the game had.

The Github is:  - for some reason it didn't let me attach the github file itself


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    73 days ago
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