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Descending - Alpha v 0.1.9 Notes

Descending - Curse of the Blood Crown - Alpha
A downloadable game for Windows

I have rewritten the data managers to help diagnose problems with data file paths. There is a new folder: C:/Users/YOU/AppData/LocalLow/Games by Arky/Descending/Game Data. When the game loads, the data files stored in the StreamingAssets folder are copied to this new folder to allow user editing and persistence. The streaming files are editable in the unity editor, but in a build they are all read-only, so they are now used as backup data. Changes made in the Data Editor are now stored in the new persistent data folder. Clicking the Save Backup data button now copies all the data files in the persistent folder to the streaming folder, and vice-versa for the Load Backup button.

I have also added more debug logging to the player.log file which should help track down problems with data files.

Download Descending - Curse of the Blood Crown - Alpha
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