Posted December 09, 2024 by gagvirus
- Showing log entries and floating texts when collecting resources
- Showing collected resource amounts with formatted numbers
- Blue circle (collect distance) only visible when “Debug Mode” is enabled
- Improvements on Loot Drops
- Drop pull acceleration - instead of constant pull speed, it shall start slow and accelerate
- “Throwing around” the loot drops for more aesthetic looks
- Drop multiple coins / souls for fancy effect
- If debug mode is enabled - Press “M” for magnet effect when in debug mode
- Enemies now may drop the following powerups
- Magnet - collects all dropped coins & resources
- Double damage - provide double damage for 30 seconds
- Fast speed - increases hero’s attack speed by 2 and hero’s movement speed by 1.5 for 30 seconds
- Invulnerability - hero becomes invulnerable for 30 seconds