Posted November 28, 2024 by Ernie Burrows
New Features.
Save and Load System
I utilized the Binary Formatter to serialize and save data in custom .data files at Unity's persistentDataPath. I customized the name of the save file based on a static int I set through the load screen UI. For now the save system only saves the players location. But I have already started working on saving the achievements, stats and the player robot.
Digital House Keeping
Our project was starting to get messy, so I spent some time organizing scripts, the inspector and prefabbing game objects
Game State
I created a game state that will track the players state in the overworld. This is used for validation checks on input for now. But it will be used for more in the future
Pause Menu
I realized that in my last DevLog the inventory UI didn't have a way to be shut off. So I created a paused menu. In the pause menu you can save and load the game among other options.
UI Overhaul
I decided to spend some time overhauling the UI. I managed to redo all the UI except the battle scene. However, with the prefabs and color pallets I have chosen it shouldn't be too hard to finish up the battle scene UI.
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