Dev Log #8; Nov 06
SamsaraA downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Posted November 06, 2024 by 107ayoo
Recent Changes:
- Added a splash screen, proper menu, and improved the level select page
- UI and win screen improvements
- Controller Overhaul
- Improved the feel of mechanics, primarily walking/running and jumping
- Added animation, camera movements, and other changes to fly
- Improved teleport's assets, restricted player's movement during teleport runs to make them rely on the ability
- Improved the feel of gravity
- The character now has diffferent clothing depending on the ability currently available
- Music, SFX, levels' assets updated
- bugs are getting harder to identify as code becomes more complex
- gravity visual indicator is proving to be hard to implement
- it took a lot of time to fine-tune movement
Future Plans:
- Make UI even more descriptive
- Investigate camera sensitivity issue in level 1
- Finish implementing gravity visual indicator
- Add options and controls to the menu
- Add coyote time