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on a train version 1.1!

on a train (in a conversation that feels like forever)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

version 1.1 doesn't really bring many major changes to the game, as i feel it is fairly polished as it is (for what is required of the assignment at least), but i did try and introduce some new things in response to the feedback i received over the past week. unless anything else major really pops up, it'll probably be my last version of the game for now because i really need to get started on some more widespread playtesting and the report!

- changes to the title: something minor but i guess caused some confusion. i changed a part of the game's subtitle from "in a conversation that lasts forever" to a "conversation that feels like forever". again really small but i suppose people took it literally, hence the tweaks. i wanted to convey the feeling of a conversation that felt like it kept going on and on and that there wasn't an end, so the updated subtitle makes more sense
- removing bad thoughts (distractions) will now decrease anxiety: i wanted to play around with the idea of fluctuating anxiety levels, and in a way respond to feedback that felt that the maximum level and climax was reached too quickly. it was difficult balancing this out to be honest, because i still want players to reach that high anxiety state. hence, i made the decreases fairly minimal and tied to the player's anxiety level, the amount of anxiety decrease increases as the player gets more anxious. hopefully that made sense! to counteract the changes as well, all dialogue options now lead to a increase in anxiety (previously, some "valid" choices actually decreased anxiety). as a whole the fluctuation is probably not too noticeable, but it should prevent players from reaching that climax point too quickly
- ai's dialogue volume and visibility: there was once piece of feedback where the player said that they tend to have a harder time hearing what other people are saying when they are anxious. i wanted to convey this by having the ai's talking sounds and text become more faint as anxiety increases and vice-versa having the sounds and text be more prominent as anxiety decreases. i don't know how much it'll add to the experience, but i might as well throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks!
- sound balancing: one of my players said that the heartbeat was too faint, so i amplified the heartbeat sound though it's difficult to tell if i really did because it's a low, bass sound that is more difficult to pick up without headphones. the sounds for the distractions were also muted a bit. i actually really liked them being loud but they had to be decreased in volume in order to let the heartbeat be heard better. not sure if everything has been properly balanced yet but hopefully it's an improvement from the previous build
- bug fixes: there were actually a couple of bugs and oversights that i didn't really notice until this week. for example, the timer for choices still going even if the player has selected a choice, which i've fixed by freezing the timer after a selection is made. there was also a route in the dialogue that breaks the game as it leads to an empty route which is quickly dealt with. simple stuff really!

Download on a train (in a conversation that feels like forever)