Dark Discard v0.48.9
We’ve just released a new version of Dark Discard. We are going back to in-house art over AI, so you will see a lot of ‘coming soon’ opponents as we are moving towards updates to our characters. This version also includes animations to bring our characters to life. We are happy with the new look and we think it will really be the best way forward.
Other changes include a set of new cards that we’ve been designing based on the idea of 7 deadly sins. We want to start bringing in lots of new card designs to make gameplay more diverse and challenging. We have also added breakable censor bars to the encounters to give a little more flavor to decreasing opponent stamina.
Finally, we are now on Discord to talk more about the game. We’d love to hear new ideas and discuss what you would like to see in upcoming changes to the game. Come check us out
Release Notes:
Gameplay Updates
Game Speed & Animations:
- Added option to adjust game speed.
- Option to skip card animations has been added.
- Updated card behavior in action queue to clarify card phases, with “RESOLVING” text shown beneath active cards.
Deck & Draw Mechanics:
- Changed “deck” terminology to “draw pile.”
- Moved the draw pile from the game scene to the dreamscape scene.
Tutorial Enhancements:
- Added “drag here” text to assist during the tutorial.
- Updated tutorial text to include SP acronym and inform players about LP decrease mechanics.
- Tutorial encounters are now interactable, starting with 1 LP for players.
- Adjusted explanation for left and right targets.
- Celestia now serves as the tutorial character, and her dialogue was updated accordingly.
Dialogues & Text:
- Added an option to always skip dialogues.
- Updated various psyche risk reward dialogues, including minor adjustments to Seraphina’s dialogue for grammar.
- Reduced dialog fade time and adjusted text backout on psyche risk rewards.
Visual & UI Enhancements
Dreamscape & Node Updates:
- Flames were added to bonus nodes in the dreamscape.
- Displayed aspects in the dreamscape to improve visibility.
- Updated boss door lock view to be more intuitive.
Character & Enemy Avatars:
- Imported new avatars and cards for Celestia, Beliala, and an Incubus character.
- Corrected the positioning of Celestia, Beliala, and other unlocked avatars in the dreamscape.
Health & Status Indicators:
- Imported a new health bar.
- Nerfed Celestia’s health from 90 to 30-35.
- Adjusted icing position and scale on enemies for clarity.
Psyche Risk Reward Updates
Content & Dialog:
- Minor updates to dialogues for glory hole, glory wall, harem room, and hallway content within the psyche risk reward feature, focusing on risks and rewards clarification.
- Added placeholder images for psyche risk rewards to represent future content.
- Converted certain static images to silhouettes, adding “coming soon” labels.
Pop-ups & Effects:
- Adjusted psyche risk reward functionality so dialog isn’t hidden during pop-ups.
- Added text pop-ups upon backing out of the psyche risk rewards.
Cards & Combat
Bug Fixes
General Fixes:
- Fixed various errors, including healing reward null pointer exceptions, double card reward bug, and random name generation repeating.
- Corrected a rare bug where bonus nodes could be played multiple times.
- Addressed incorrect layers for main menu buttons and raven avatars in dialogues.
UI & Interaction Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where LP did not decrease correctly in the tutorial.
- Adjusted issues with SRDebugger in the developer tool window.
- Fixed a bug affecting the “always skip dialogue” setting in psyche risk rewards.
Platform-Specific Fixes:
- Addressed issues across Mac and Windows builds, including preventing the continue button from being clickable when the game is exited abruptly.