Posted October 27, 2024 by k2000
With our idea in place and the go-ahead received after the presentation it was time to begin creating assets! ... Right after we made an asset list.
Going through our mock-ups and meeting notes, we began to write down all of the assets we would need both for art and audio and placing them into a sheet. This sheet would also track where the asset would be located, who was assigned to it, when it was completed, and if that asset was a desirable or a mandatory. It was then time to split off into our designated tasks for the week.
Our programmer began creating a simple game manager and getting our fundamental mechanics down using placeholders for the time being, we had all agreed fairly early on in development that getting the logic down was our most critical step.
Our artist began working on the concept art for the environment and main areas of interest for the player, which included; the circus, the mini-game and the notice board. Concept art and finalisation also took place for the darts and text boxes for when the player would interact with an NPC.
Our animator took to drawing and animating the balloon assets so our mini-game (the most important section of level one) would be ready to go as soon as possible, and then moved onto creating the first few NPC's that could be found wondering around the level. It was in this week that a discussion took place between the animator and the programmer about the potential of utilising a feature that allowed players to choose their graphics quality and the animations would be of high or medium quality respectively, making the game more user-friendly.
With everyone having their initial tasks in hand it was time to get moving.
- FOTL Devs 🎈