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0.7 - Getting ready for release

A downloadable TTRPG

What's new?

  • New and improved introduction chapter
  • Tight brief for the whole system
  • Banes and Boons replace Fortunes
  • Reworked Flaws system
  • Combat has been rebalanced and streamlined with no major changes to the actual gameplay

What's gone

The Past Lives mechanic is removed. The Past Life powers have been merged into character creation proper, as playtests indicated the Past Lives did not have much impact on gameplay. Do not worry though, the Past Lives will return in the lore chapter for those GMs who want to use them in their game.

Plenty of editing has happened and the game is slowly but surely shaping into its final form. I'm very happy with how the game plays at the moment and am excited to be this close to release proper of the core rules.


  • RunecycleCharactersheet_0.7.pdf 99 kB
    18 days ago
  • Runecycle_0.7.pdf 77 MB
    4 hours ago
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