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It's Game

A downloadable game for Windows

I am way too sleepys to write a whole thing like I woulda wanted toooo but I must say, INSIGHT FOR THE GAME IN CASE U DONT WANNA GO IN COMPLETELY BLIND 

I made this game to MAKE MID!!! i set ou to create MID!!!!! and it WEORKED!!! ITS GAME! I thouhght I wound't be able to do it at times, especialy since it's program I didn't know much about,making this thing was like riding a train while assembling the tracks. ANd you May feel it! So Important information This game has ONE ending and slight variation on it . AND I KNOW OF THE MANY BUGS WITHIN IT (SAVE ONLY IN TEXTBOX BUT ALSO SOMETHIMES THAT DOESNT EVEN WORK, I KNOW THE LAYERS GET WREEIRD The timing is WEEEIRD I Used, default UI sound efecrts, making the UI for the save/load I compoletely forgone ,NO time for that shit.,. I learned to love the "Scope Knife" when you set out to make mid by god you can do anyhting that it dont even feel like making shit it feels like i AM GOD!!!!!!

Mpomoent, Moment of slilences for the cut off funbloods who couln't make it into the came.GAME. I really wish I could have put hers in there. I hope you have a good halllloowweeeen. I love autuimn because I love the season and when tree is orange and also it's my birthday on the 9th of october which mean I get to eat cake and live. Funblood is summer to me so I'm sorry it's not EXACLYT halloweenies, but this is MIND *HAUNT*!!! GIRL MIND IS HAUNTED!!!!!!!!! YOPU CAN PUT IN SO MANY HAUNTINGS IN THE MIND OF MY FUNNYS BLOOD

Wires wires wires down to thwe wires haunt. I hope you enjoyed my play. I like that Spin game was vaguely film-like and now this one is vagulealy play-like. I wonder if I make more vidisual novel where I can go with stories. Thankyou for playing my game if you did, my shoulder really hurts so take it east . EASYYYY !

thankyou for lighvn. for cool program to do visilau novel in. I loved doing the 3d stuffs in it despite me not wanting to put in the effort to make collisions of 3d enviromnet. Now its a feature of Paint Fairy. Thankyou to Espiumyte for helping me Variables. also tyhankyou for letting me use your computer.  Thankyou to spooktoobrt. for game jam. gamejams are what really make me motiavted to do games but itd be cool to make a game thats not extremes deadline!!!!!!

i have to finished writing goodnight and see you lator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • PLAY OF 306 MB
    1 day ago
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