🟢 Sombionic v0.3 brings a new game mode - Boss War!
Hey guys,
This is the newest version 0.3 of my game introducing the Boss War game mode a new adult animation scene, achievements, buff system, scoreboard and many new things (patch notes below).
The rules of the game mode are simple - Slay mutants and harvest their flesh to summon the yellow buff. Defeat it, claim its powers, and use them to take down the rival boss. The first team to secure 3 victories claims the win and earns greater rewards
Wishlist the game on Steam to get notifed when the free Beta releases (limited spots).
There's also a new trailer you can see here!
- Boss War – New Game Mode +1 new map.
- New adult animation scene with Melany x Kryth and Melany x Artilor.
- Buff system – more info below.
- Hotbar update – Pick up consumables from the ground and see them displayed above your health bar. Items like syringes and pills will help you heal.
- Scoreboard to show your and enemy stats.
- Updated the parasite ability of Melany to deal additional damage on impact and spawn a damage zone for 5 seconds, which will hurt enemies nearby.
- Better spawn effects to all enemy characters
- More customization options for Melany like transparent clothes.
And more…
- New achievements.
- Adult animations now support props (like chair, bed etc).
- Added medkits that drop from enemies.
- Myrmidalus added to the database (ESC – Dataset) of enemies.
- Consumables picked up from the ground will now go directly into the Hotbar instead of the main inventory, eliminating the need to manually move them.
- Buff system: You can pickup buffs that last a certain duration and could change anything from player stats to visuals like applying VFX. Currently, you will see that during the Boss War game mode when you pickup the yellow buff, your gun will glow yellow and your damage will increase while attacking the enemy boss for a certain duration.
- Effects can be applied to the camera to create dramatic moments, such as making the camera shake when a boss lands a hit during combat.-Random music is picked during adult scenes.
- Updated the rhythm game and it’s UI during animation scene.
- Improved target selection for enemies: When an enemy attacks, it will choose the nearest available target point. Melee AI will prioritize positions in front of you to stay directly in your path, while ranged enemies will select target points on your sides to maintain distance.
- Characters can be made to look in different directions, which is primarily useful for point-of-view (POV) cameras during animations or cutscenes.
- Victory and Defeat screens
- Loot rewards screen when you finish a level
- Helpful notifications when you first enter an animation scene, introducing you to the UI.
- Target Selection System: Currently in the early stages, with full implementation planned for v0.4. The AI will be able to select targets based on an interest rating, which can increase depending on factors like the amount of damage the target has inflicted on the AI or other variables, such as prioritizing the player or specific enemies.
- Improvements to the animation system include assigning a unique ID to each character based on their animation. This will be particularly helpful when managing animations with multiple characters of the same type, allowing me to identify which character is playing a specific animation—such as assigning them a different look-at target.
- Better loop drops system with item min / max amount, drop percentage and more customization.