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ShoSakyu Demo 1.2

ShoSakyu: The Succubus I Summoned is a Noob!?
A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android

Thank you all so much for testing out the initial demo for the game. We have gone through all of the comments and ratings left across all platforms and (hopefully) have fixed all issues!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug with old game data (such as currency total) carrying into new game 
  • Fixed bug with game getting stuck if player presses a button before the text has finished displaying 
  • Added Screen resolution settings and full screen option 
  • Some dialogue mistakes fixed 
  • Fixed bug with player name always defaulting to their chosen last name 
  • Changed Parse.float to always parse using "." To make moving in hallway work for all people 
  • Added mobile version of the game 
  • Added app icon for the game

We will continue to fix any issues brought to our attention for this demo! Kickstarter backers will get frequent updates with new content, however the demo on will receive more infrequent, major updates.

Thank you for all of your support!! I'm truly overwhelmed!


  • 169 MB
    3 days ago
  • ShoSakyuDemoAndroid.apk 315 MB
    3 days ago
Download ShoSakyu: The Succubus I Summoned is a Noob!?
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