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New V7.0 Update

Star Wars: Green Squadron
A downloadable star wars game for Windows

Green Squadron V7.0 Update

This update focuses on quality of life improvements based on feedback received for Instant Action and includes a major overhaul to the Starfighter camera system.

Change notes:

  • MAJOR OVERHAUL: New Starfighter camera system reworked from the ground up
  • NEW INSTANT ACTION SETTINGS: Customize your Instant Action experience by setting the score limit, death penalty score, and hero ship unlock score
  • NEW STARFIGHTER: Imperial TIE Bomber as a hero ship for Instant Action
  • ENGINE UPGRADE: This allows improved performance and visuals for existing levels (please report any issues you have)

Other Changes:

  • Added the ability to switch levels at the end of a round of Instant Action
  • Various lighting improvements to several levels
  • Texture resolution improvement for Ryloth
  • New concussion missiles for the V-Wing (these will be tweaked later)
  • Minor improvements to AI aiming
  • Fix for Droid Tri-Fighter secondary fire not aiming correctly at close range
  • Fix for Tatooine: Dunes Star Destroyers not playing their crash animations when destroyed
  • Fix for Rebel Blockade Runners where locking on would sometimes result in locking on to their turrets instead of the entire frigate

Known issues:

  • Visual bug exists when locking on to a target and toggling the HUD display.
  • Current build not tested for ultra-wide displays


  • Green Squadron V7.0
    1 day ago
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