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Update for Beta 2 Early Release

Mushoku Harem
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

I re-uploaded Mushoku Harem today and added a bunch of patches.

From Thursday to Saturday I overworked the crap out of myself.
I was working on getting the update ready to go by Friday so I did not allow myself to go to bed or rest at all on Thursday until the update was completed.
Then when I planned on sleeping I was unable to sleep due to wanting to get everything uploaded on time.
I was awake from Thursday at around 5am until Friday Night/Saturday morning. Then when I finally was able to fall asleep, it was only for 2 hours.
The bug testers found quite a few bugs with the release. Mainly things relating to the House Remodel swap. As I did not account for every variable, basically what I did was I did not reuse the code from the original house, I rewrote everything from scratch, made new labels and everything.

But the old code still had calls to labels the no longer existed. Which is where like 30 or 40 bugs were found and fixed.
A few more were from misspelled animation names. A few more from misspelled filenames.
Then 3 were actual bugs that needed fixed. So I spent all of Saturday bug fixing.
The relief I felt of everything being done. And of me Finally getting the battle systems code fixed. (Something that has been bugging me since Alpha 1.)

I was so exhausted that when I finally laid down to sleep in the early morning of Sunday, around 3am. I slept straight through till Monday morning at 4am.

So this morning I got the Patron weekly scenes completed, converted and ready to post.
If you are unaware of what the Patron weekly scenes are, I wanted a reason for patron supporters to continue supporting instead of just subscribing for a couple of days to get the newest update and then leaving. So I started doing weekly patreon exclusive scenes, which are essentially 15-30 Renders and Animations with text on screen telling a story. Each week the patrons vote on a poll for what scenes they want to see the next week, I then take the top 2 voted for scenes and create them and upload them. With new scenes available to all paid tiers of patrons every Friday.

With this new updated version of MH you will not need to worry about save issues, or applying any patches. Just download extract and play.


  • Mushoku Harem Beta 2 (Full Release for Mobile) 627 MB
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  • Mushoku Harem Beta 2 (Full Release for Mac) 607 MB
    3 days ago
  • Mushoku Harem Beta 2 (Full Release for PC/Linux) 613 MB
    3 days ago
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