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Devlog 1: Kayla Tavares de Almeida: Project and Perforce

A downloadable game

I don't have much to talk about this week as I am the UI Developer, so I didn't have many duties this week besides helping out. This week we had to  work on getting our base project into Perforce and working on all of our devices. This was a struggle as none of have used Perforce before. We eventually got our project uploaded, but there were issues as our base project was not a C++ project. I decided to be the one to convert it over, and it went perfect on my end, and I submitted my changes. This, however, was not the case for my teammates. They were each getting different errors, struggling to get it to open. Eventually one, then two got it to open, but the others were struggling still. We eventually tried wiping the files on the two who were struggling, and after they redownloaded it, and it worked after a bit more troubleshooting.

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