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Hazelnut Latte v0.11.7 Out for Everyone + An Update

Hazelnut Latte
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hello everyone! v0.11.7 of Hazelnut Latte is out for everyone over on my page!

I wanted to take this opportunity to give an update regarding the free version of Hazelnut Latte and its future. Ever since the game started development almost two years ago, on October 19, 2022, there has been a free version of Hazelnut Latte to play. This version was first available to my financial backers before eventually landing on Itch for free.

With this new update, we are changing that. As we advance, v0.11.7 will be the public demo for Hazelnut Latte, and new free game versions will not be available on Itch. This news is probably sad for many people, but this was bound to happen as the game progressed.

The demo will still receive occasional updates as people find bugs and typos. If the game changes in Episodes 1 through 5, we will also update the demo to reflect that, such as adding new CGs to highlight critical moments.

We believe Episode 5 is the perfect endpoint for a demo as you meet four of the seven main love interests, and we establish the central conflict for the rest of the game.

Early Access

As usual, new builds will be available on my Patreon and SubscribeStar, but we plan to bring something to Itch. When v0.12 is ready, we will release an Early Access version when you typically get the free version. So you can pay us once on Itch and get what will eventually turn into the full version once the game is done. The downside is that you must wait until it makes the rounds on Patreon, but the benefit is paying once.

We will have more information on this Early Access version when v0.12 is closer to being completed.

That is all for now! Enjoy the new version of Hazelnut Latte and Stay Rad Out There!


  • 1.1 GB
    Version 0.11.7
  • 823 MB
    Version 0.11.7
  • 1.1 GB
    Version 0.11.7
  • HazelnutLatte-0.11.7-linux.tar.bz2 1 GB
    Version 0.11.7
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