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Updated front cover and version 0.01 of the adventure

Hunt for the Last Owlbear
A downloadable adventure

It's here! The front cover of the adventure! Also, a pdf containing said front cover, a title page, and a (small) handful of character portraits.

It ain't an adventure yet, but it's a start.

Behind the scenes, I'm working on names and descriptions for the aforementioned characters, firearm rules for Knave 2e, a small hex map, and a temple—among other things! (I've attached a sneak peek from my notes.)

Thanks for following along!


  • Hunt for the Last Owlbear - Front Cover.png 6 MB
    11 days ago
  • Hunt for the Last Owlbear v0.01.pdf 4.2 MB
    11 days ago
Download Hunt for the Last Owlbear
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