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CoInspector [v1.0.3]

CoInspector for Unity
A downloadable Unity Plugin for Windows and macOS

First round of updates is here!

Of course, it's strongly recommended to always update the plugin to the latest version, especially during these first weeks, as hotfixes will be published frequently.
Okay, let's see what changed:


  • Added: Experimental Component Culling, which drastically reduces Editor overhead.
  • Fixed: Plugin-Freezing Error when the user's System Date format is dot-based.
  • Fixed: Incorrect position of Components' enable/disable toggles when dragging them.
  • Fixed: Rare instances where the Collapse/Expand button wouldn't work.


  • Added: Basic support for Ultimate Editor Enhancer.
  • Added: An automatic 'New Update' checker.
  • Fixed: Temporary solution for glitched UnityEvent fields in Odin Inspector.
  • Fixed: The 'Y' position of the 'Add Component' popup.
  • Fixed: The Local Hierarchy Popup width.
  • Fixed: The Local Hierarchy closing with Unity's 2023 Context Menus.
  • Fixed: Tabs hover text opacity in Unity 6.
  • Fixed: Rare instances where the Tutorial reappeared after an update.
  • Introduced a new SaveData logic to survive updates.


  • Fixed: A bug that made it impossible to manually disable certain components with custom editors.


What's coming next:

  • Component Filtering by name: Just see the Components that match the introduced text
  • Maximize de Asset View: Make the Asset View use the whole height of the window when necessary
  • Even more bug fixes!: Please, keep reporting them at


  • CoInspector [v1.0.3] 2.9 MB
    15 days ago
Download CoInspector for Unity
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